apple hijau: Goodbye 2013 | You made me cry, made me laugh, But's its time to move on...

my followers =)

Goodbye 2013 | You made me cry, made me laugh, But's its time to move on...

HELLO ! lama tak update blog ni. Busy yg amatt... Hahaha :D Harini tergerak hati nak post pulakk. Pejam celik pejam celik dah nak masuk tahun 2014 dah. 2013 bakal melabuhkan tirai dalam masa sehari je lagi. Aku pun dah nak masuk unur 20 tahun, dah tua dah wehh. Angka 2 kat depan perangai mestilah kena matured, dah boleh kawen, dah pandai berdikari, hee~

2013 banyak tinggalkan kenangan pahit, manis, suka, duka, n macam2 lagi. Terima kasih 2013, akan ku kenang semuanya :')

2014 welcome to my life. Azam aku simple je nak tahun ni lebih baik dari tahun lepas. Sentiasa tabah n kuat hadapi segala ujian yg diberikan. Kita hidup atas dunia ni tak lari daripada cubaan n dugaan yg ditentukan oleh Allah. Semoga aku lebih dekat dengan-Mu :')

Too many memories in 2013. Too many problems in 2013. Too many unforgettable things happened in 2013. Thank you so much, 2013

Lastly, this is for you MSH. It just hurts because whenever we look at each other we both know we should be together, we love each other so much... But it's not possible, we choose to not be together </3

P/s : jgn ditanya kenapa aku tak buang something kat tepi tuu... biarlah dia kekal cantik disitu :')

hey you ! thanks =)

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